Optimizing High-Risk E-Commerce Transactions: The Power of Delayed Capture

What is Delayed Capture? It simply means pre-authorizing the payment at the point of purchase and then capturing the funds at a later, more strategic time.

Marek  Madej
Marek Madej
September 14, 2023
1 minute
Optimizing High-Risk E-Commerce Transactions: The Power of Delayed Capture

What is Delayed Capture?

It simply means pre-authorizing the payment at the point of purchase and then capturing the funds at a later, more strategic time.

Why Delay Capture?

Risk Mitigation: High-risk transactions can attract fraudulent activities. Delayed capture empowers merchants to assess orders, identify risks, and confirm legitimacy before the funds are secured. A fraudster's worst nightmare.

Fraud Prevention and Order Review:

This isn't just about delaying the inevitable. It's about deploying advanced security measures during this waiting period. The merchant can deploy fraud detection measures, where suspicious patterns and behaviors are spotted, and questionable orders are put under the microscope. No more revenue losses due to deceitful schemes!

Customer Service Elevated:

Mistakes happen, and so do change-of-mind moments. With delayed capture, merchants can tweak or even cancel orders post-purchase - thus avoiding triggering a refund. Most importantly, however, this approach provides a buffer that shields the business from potential chargebacks !

Cash Flow, Unleashed:

By holding off on capturing funds until order confirmation, merchants can ensure their finances aren't tied up in orders that might not materialize. Capture when certainty arrives.

In an era where trust and efficiency are the cornerstones of successfule-commerce, delayed capture provides a good strategy to manage the risk and reward, protecting merchants and keeping customers happy!